
ѿappUniversity professors Catherine Wing and Darice Polo were two of 40 recipients honored by the Community Fellowship for Arts and Culture for art contributing to youth education and heightened awareness of the environment, community and place within Cuyahoga County. Wing, associate professor of English, plans to use the fellowship grant to work on writing new poems and revising old ones. “In my proposal itself, part of the idea was to take some time off so I would teach a little less and write a little more,” Wing says. “This fellowship helps prioritize my writing.” Wing will...

The Wick Poetry Center at ѿappUniversity will expand its successful Traveling Stanzas project with $125,000 in new funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, as part of its Knight Arts Challenge. The Knight Arts Challenge funds ideas that engage and enrich Akron through the arts.    Traveling Stanzas: Writing Across Borders is a partnership between the Wick Poetry Center and the Visual Communication Design program at ѿappto facilitate a global conversation through the intimate and inclusive voice of poetry.  The grant will ...

ѿappUniversity’s student-run television station TV2 was awarded the first place Pinnacle Award for Station of the Year at the 2015 College Media Association conference in Austin, Texas. TV2 also was awarded first place for best newscast and best sportscast and second place for special event coverage. This is the fourth year in a row for TV2’s placement, having been named Station of the Year in 2012 and 2013, and placing third in 2014. When sophomore broadcast journalism major Mitchell Felan, the student representative for TV2 at the conference, heard the news, he says he immediately c...

Catch a glimpse of the history of ѿappUniversity’s College of Podiatric Medicine and hear what alumni and current students have to say about the college.       ...

The ѿappUniversity Women’s Center presented 12 female students with its Sage Project Award for overcoming barriers and finding balance in following their path and making their mark at Kent State. The Sage Project Award reception took place on March 11 in the Moulton Hall Ballroom. When a student first steps on a ѿappcampus, the possibilities are endless: what classes to take, picking a major, joining a student organization, building lifelong friendships. But for many female-identifying students, there are hurdles to overcome and challenges to face. The Wome...

Students visit Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Last semester, four members of the nursing faculty at ѿappUniversity at Salem, along with 15 nursing students, headed west for learning opportunities that cannot be taught in a typical classroom. The group traveled to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in southern South Dakota to interact with members of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe. The reservation is home to about 40,000 people, half of whom are members of the Oglala Lakota Nation. The average income for a resident of the reservation is between $2,600 and $3,500 a year, meaning that more ...

When the concept of homelessness comes to mind, people tend to focus efforts on food donations, but Ashley Flowers, a junior majoring in psychology and criminology and justice studies at ѿappUniversity, wants to remind people that clothing and toiletries also are essential items. A native of Maple Heights, Ohio, Flowers is collecting money and putting together care packages filled with warm clothing and toiletries for those less fortunate in the Cleveland and Kent areas. “When it gets cold in the winter, there are so many people who do not have proper clothing,” Flowers says. “I ...

Senior applied communication major, Jessica Buck, landed an internship with Pro-Model and Talent Management as their social media coordinator. In this position, Buck is responsible for managing the company’s Facebook, Google+ and Yelp pages along with their blog. Some topics she covers in the blog include, successful Pro-Model and Talent stars, audition tips, instructor profiles and fashion and beauty tips. “I love the things I get to do and the environment I get to work in,” Buck said. “Currently, I am writing a blog on overcoming adversity and celebrities who dealt with extreme circumstan...

Since the time of the early Buddhist kings, Tibetan monks have practiced analytic meditation - where they memorize a Buddhist text and then attempt to deepen their understanding of this material by joining in debate pits lead by a senior monk, known as the challenger. “The challenger is sitting on a mat or cushion as he poses questions to a defender and the defender must come up with a logical and coherent argument to respond to the question,” said David Fresco, Ph.D., professor and director Kent State’s Psychopathology and Emotion Regulation Laboratory (PERL) and co-director of the...

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