
Success Story

Kent Campus
ѿappUniversity School of Theatre and Dance Professor Tamara L. Honesty showcases a model for the set she would help create for the premiere of Family Ties, based on the television show of the same name.

ѿappUniversity School of Theatre and Dance Professor Tamara L. Honesty helped to bring a beloved 1980s television series to the stage in the world premiere production of Family Ties.

Kent Campus
The crew at Kent State’s Costume Shop are hard at work creating costumes for Porthouse Theatre’s production of “9 to 5.”

What’s it really like to build costumes from scratch for a mainstage musical?  The sights and sounds of ѿappUniversity’s Costume Shop are as much of a production as the show itself.

ѿappfashion design and business student Madeline Mehler's new clothing business, Sultrie, aims to add to the sustainable fashion movement.

ѿappsophomore fashion design and business student Madeline Mehler launched a business that creates a more sustainable, lower carbon-footprint approach to making clothes.

Earl Miller, BA '85 Photographed by Jason Grow

ѿappgraduate continues to break new ground in the understanding of cognition—and his research may help us move beyond the limits of the brain’s working memory.

Pictured (left to right) are Barb Smith of KeyBank; Margot Copeland of KeyBank Foundation and ѿappBoard of Trustees; ѿappstudent Jordan Wilkins; ѿappPresident Beverly Warren; and ѿappFoundation Board Chair Gary Brahler.

KeyBank Foundation has granted $1 million to ѿappUniversity to support programs to increase the recruitment, retention and graduation rates of underrepresented students.