
May 4 50

School of Emerging Media and Technology
Digitized Taylor Hall

Artifacts of May 4, 1970  a survivor’s jacket, a gas mask and gun shell casing  tell a story that’s not often accessible to the general public. Assistant Professor Abe Avnisan and students in his digital sciences capstone course will bring these artifacts’ stories to life via the exhibit “May 4: Through the Looking Glass.”

The “Armed With Our Voices” exhibit provides a powerful form of cross-generational connection that engages users in the events of May 4, 1970, and the importance of peace, conflict resolution and student activism today.

ѿappUniversity’s Wick Poetry Center is set to debut its “Armed With Our Voices” exhibit this week in Austin, Texas, as part of the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference. The exhibit provides a powerful form of cross-generational connection that engages users in the events of May 4, 1970, and the importance of peace, conflict resolution and student activism today.

ѿapp 30 teachers attended the Voices for Change Educator's Summit on the topic of May 4, 1970.

Organizers of the recent Voices for Change Educator’s Summit at ѿappUniversity say the curriculum developed at the event can be used by teachers worldwide, so that the lessons of May 4, 1970, will continue to be shared. The summit, held in August, was one about 100 events planned for the 2019-20 academic year to support the 50th commemoration of May 4, 1970, the day when Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on ѿappstudents protesting the U.S. invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, killing four and wounding nine.

“Our Brother Jeff,” a new exhibition at ѿappUniversity’s May 4 Visitors Center, honors the life of Jeffrey Miller, one of the four ѿappstudents shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970.

Guests of ѿappUniversity’s May 4 Visitors Center can learn more about Jeffrey Miller, one of the four students shot and killed by the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970, by visiting “Our Brother Jeff,” a new exhibition at the visitors center that honors Miller’s life. The exhibition will be on display from Oct. 19, 2019, to Feb. 29, 2020. Russ Miller, Jeff’s brother, helped create the exhibition by loaning some of Jeff’s personal items to the May 4 Visitors Center. 

Former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu will speak at ѿappUniversity at 7 p.m. Nov. 19 as part of the university’s May 4 Speaker Series.

Mitch Landrieu, the New Orleans mayor who oversaw the removal of the city’s prominent Confederate monuments and helped his city to recover and reemerge from a series of natural disasters, will speak at ѿappas part of the university’s May 4 Speaker Series.

ѿappUniversity is offering a community course at the May 4 Visitors Center that deals with the historical, cultural, social and political contexts of events before, during and after the May 4, 1970, shootings.

ѿappUniversity is offering a community course that deals with the historical, cultural, social and political contexts of events before, during and after the May 4, 1970, shootings. The free course, Making Meaning of May 4: The ѿappShootings in American History, will be held Oct. 16, 23 and 30 at the university’s May 4 Visitors Center.

ѿappUniversity alumna Pat Gless reflects on May 4, 1970, near what was then the ambulance bay of the old Ravenna hospital.

In the spring of 1970, two-time ѿappUniversity alumna and registered nurse Pat Gless was a junior in Kent State’s inaugural nursing program. While in class on Monday, May 4, a professor rushed into her classroom and warned students who could leave campus to do so. Fifty years later, Gless now reflects on the events surrounding that tragedy and how they have impacted her life and nursing career.

Moments of Truth is a new book on May 4, 1970, by ѿappAlumnus Howard Ruffner

On the morning of May 4, 1970, ѿappUniversity student Howard Ruffner was hanging out in the office of the Daily Kent Stater in Taylor Hall when the phone rang.

The Midwest editor from Life magazine, based in Chicago, was calling to find out if there were any student photographers who had been taking photos over the weekend. ѿapphad been the scene of student protests for several days, and more demonstrations were expected that day.  

Shown is "Make Amerikkka Great Again" (2019), designed by ѿappUniversity Fashion School student Colin Isaacs.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of May 4, 1970, when Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire on ѿappUniversity students protesting the U.S. invasion of Cambodia during the Vietnam War, killing four and wounding nine, students and faculty from Kent State’s School of Fashion Design and Merchandising are bringing attention to current social issues in the new exhibition called “Wearing Justice: Perspectives From KSU Fashion School Faculty and Students” that is on display now at the ѿappUniversity Museum.

Library books

Plenty has been written about May 4, 1970. Ken Burhanna, dean of ѿappUniversity Libraries, offers his preferred reading list.