
Global Reach

Sonia Karkare

After 27 years of travel and pivoting to various international endeavors, Sonia Karkare, a native of Mumbai, India, is now back at ѿappas an adjunct professor with the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship’s Executive MBA (Master of Business Administration) program. She is teaching diverse types of courses, including the Digital Transformation in Healthcare course.

ѿappstudents tour Florence, Italy, with Assistant Dean Kristin Stasiowski, Ph.D.

What first began in 1972 with a small group of ѿapparchitecture students and faculty traveling to Florence, Italy, for a few weeks has blossomed into one of the most prestigious education-abroad programs in the country.

McGreal and de Souza

A ѿappfashion design student helped a prominent New York City designer create and debut his first bridal collection. 

Brazilian educators at Cleveland sign

Educators from Brazil visited Northeast Ohio institutions for inspirations in innovative teaching. 

ѿappUniversity education majors work with immigrant children in Akron, Ohio, to increase their food literacy.

ѿappUniversity education major Klair Heestand said the time she spent teaching refugee students in Akron in the spring was excellent preparation for when she enters her own classroom one day. 

“It was very helpful, because we’re going to have students of varying abilities, and students for whom English is a second language, no matter where we teach,” Heestand said. “We don’t need anyone left behind because of a language barrier.” 


South Korean Professor Yeonmin Kim, Ph.D., '13, spent the 2022-23 academic year at ѿappas a visiting scholar.

A literature professor from Chonnam National University in Gwangju, South Korea, is wrapping up a year as a visiting scholar at ѿappUniversity with hopes of creating an exchange program between the two schools based on their historic campus tragedies. 

Before he leaves the Kent Campus at the end of June, Yeonmin Kim, Ph.D., ’13, hopes to have plans in place for a continued exchange of students between the two universities, to further the understanding and legacies of May 4, 1970, at ѿappand May 18, 1980, at Chonnam.

NYC Fashion watch party

Kent State's NYC Fashion campus hosted a livestreamed watch party of the Fashion Show in Kent. 

Elly Styles from Office of Global Education Presenting at the Counselor Fly-In

Fifteen high school counselors from 11 different countries took part in the Office of Global Education’s (OGE) Counselor Fly-In event April 26 to learn more about ѿappUniversity and its offerings.

The May 4 Memorial on the ѿappUniversity Campus.

ѿappUniversity’s School of Peace and Conflict Studies was created as a living memorial to the four students killed on May 4, 1970. 

As the university prepares to mark the 53rd anniversary of the shootings, the school’s director says honoring the legacy of May 4 is still key to the school’s identity and mission. 

Ikram Toumi

Introducing new perspectives can help students learn about unique cultures and explore similarities and differences. Ikram Toumi, an assistant professor in the School of Communication Studies, has brought that possibility to ѿappUniversity with her global education initiatives.