

 Officials from ѿappUniversity and New Castle School of Trades signed the articulation agreement between both organizations.

Great things happen when purposeful organizations collaborate. Officials from ѿappUniversity and New Castle Schools of Trades recently signed an articulation agreement that provides opportunities for graduates of the trade school to earn degrees from the university.

ѿappUniversity students take a selfie with middle school students from Daniel E. Morgan School. The ѿappstudents worked all semester learning about and sharing the stories of the middle school students for their TV news production class.

ѿappUniversity students in the Advanced Television News Producing class have spent the semester learning the stories of middle school students at Cleveland’s Daniel E. Morgan School and within the Hough community.

Legendary journalist and news anchor Dan Rather will speak at ѿappUniversity the evening of May 4 as part of the ѿappUniversity Presidential Speaker Series.

Few have seen the history of our world unfold like Dan Rather. The renowned journalist and former lead anchor of the CBS Evening News is coming to ѿappUniversity to reflect on his experiences as a journalist, news anchor and multimedia producer.

ѿappUniversity faculty, staff, students and campus visitors gather on the ѿappCommons and Blanket Hill for the annual commemoration of May 4, 1970.

Survivors remember as if it happened yesterday – the sounds, the confusion, the fear as protests and unrest escalated to a deadly level on campus. The scenario may sound similar to the events of May 4, 1970, at ѿappUniversity, but this incident happened two years prior.

“Sandy’s Scrapbook,” a new exhibition at ѿappUniversity’s May 4 Visitors Center, pays tribute to the life of Sandy Scheuer, one of four students killed by Ohio National Guardsmen on May 4, 1970.

On May 4, 1970, ѿappUniversity was placed in an international spotlight after a student protest against the Vietnam War and the presence of the Ohio National Guard on campus ended in tragedy. Each year, as part of the May 4 Commemoration, Kent State’s May 4 Visitors Center presents events and opportunities to inquire, learn and reflect. 

ѿappassociate professors Karen Cunningham and Idris Kabir Syed, co-instructors of the course titled May 4, 1970, and Its Aftermath, discuss the print, Lament: Four Dead at Kent, by Linda Lyke, a digital resource from the May 4 Collection.

Nearly five decades have passed since Ohio National Guardsmen fired into a gathering of protesting students on the campus of ѿappUniversity, killing four, wounding nine and impacting generations.

Four students were killed and nine others wounded during a student protest of the Vietnam War. The site was formally dedicated as a National Historic Landmark on May 4, 2018.

Seventeen acres on the ѿappUniversity campus denote the location of the historic events of May 4, 1970, where protesting students, observers and soldiers gathered on that fateful day when the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four students and wounded nine others.

ѿappUniversity researchers have received a $2.7 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to study affective disorders.

Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 300 million people are currently living with depression.

Pictured are members of ѿappRobotics. The team will compete in May at NASA’s 2018 Robotic Mining Competition.

ѿappUniversity student Madison Spreitzer spent her childhood building robots out of cardboard boxes and paint. Now, she builds them out of aluminum. 

Student-athletes from Berkshire High School pose with John Epprecht (left) and Kurt Epprecht (right) after the announcement of a $2 million gift to the school. (Photo courtesy of John Stoddard)

Smile and say “cheese.” That is what members of Berkshire Local Schools in Burton, Ohio, and their partners including ѿappUniversity are doing.