

Peter C. Kratcoski Sr., Department of Sociology at ѿappUniversity at Stark, delivered the presentation “Gerontological Criminology (Gero-Crimology): Crime Policy and Legislation” at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 23, 2017.

Christine A. Hudak, Ph.D., School of Information, was featured in the “Meet an Expert” section of the February 2017 HIMSS Information Xchange e-newsletter. The article focuses on her role as editor of The HIMSS HIT Dictionary, Fourth Edition, which was released earlier this year. 

Emad Khazraee, Ph.D., School of Information, was interviewed and quoted in an article published by Harvard’s NiemanLab about the use of messaging apps to circumvent censorship.

Christine A. Hudak, Ph.D, School of Information, has been named assistant editor of the Online Learning Consortium’s premier journal, Online Learning (OLJ). 

Mary Anne Nichols, M.L.S., School of Information, was appointed to the YALSA Midwinter Paper Presentation Planning Committee (2017-2018). 

Haithem Zourrig, Ph.D., Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at ѿappUniversity at Stark, and his co-presenters received a Best Paper Award in Global and Cross-cultural Marketing Track at the Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators conference, March 8-11, 2017. The paper is titled “The Perceived Deceptiveness of Insurance Fraud: A Cross-cultural Perspective on Information Manipulation Theory.”

Belinda Boon, Ph.D., School of Information, presented a session titled “Online Learning is for EVERYONE: Using Universal Design Principles to Develop Accessible Online Learning Content” at the Lilly Conference for Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning in Austin, Texas, on Jan. 5, 2017.

Marcia Lei Zeng, Ph.D., School of Information, presented the keynote address, “Visual Representations of Knowledge Structures,” at World IA Day at ѿappUniversity on Feb. 18, 2017.

Haithem Zourrig, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at ѿappUniversity at Stark, received the 2017 McGraw-Hill Education Distinguished Award at the 44th annual meeting of the Federation of Business Disciplines held in Little Rock, Arkansas, from March 8-11, 2017.

Rebecca Meehan, Ph.D., School of Information, presented a poster titled “Continued Access to Hospital Patient Health Record Data in Long-Term Care” at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, on Feb. 21, 2017.