
Reappointment and Promotion Criteria for Full-Time NTT Faculty

Appointments for full-time non-tenure track (NTT) faculty are governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and are made annually. Renewal of appointment is contingent upon programmatic need, satisfactory performance of previously assigned responsibilities, and budgeted resources to support the position.

Review Criteria: The nature of NTT faculty appointments is primarily instructional.  Thus, excellence in teaching is the principal criterion in the performance review.  If the contract specifies that the candidate will have other, non-instructional responsibilities, or if the faculty member has been granted teaching load equivalencies for non-instructional activities, performance in those areas should figure in the evaluation.  However, excellence in the instructional area is the most important factor in the review, no matter what the nature and extent of non-instructional activities.

All first- and second-year NTT faculty will submit review materials no later than February 15 of any academic year (See below for criteria).  Faculty in these years of appointment will be notified of any performance problems no later than April 15, in advance of the standard May 1 notification of reappointment.  A rigorous performance review, requiring the submission of a file, will take place in the third and sixth years of reappointment.

Review Process: NTT faculty standing for third-year review shall present review files to the Department Chairperson for certification of completeness according to CBA guidelines according to CBA  guidelines. Faculty members are encouraged to consult with the Department Chairperson about the contents of the file before submission.  The Chairperson will make the files available to members of the Reappointment Committee, which shall be constituted in the same manner as the Reappointment Committee for full-time TT faculty, that is, all tenured members of FAC with the addition of one full-time NTT faculty member appointed (if necessary from among the English faculty who teach in PAS) by the Chairperson in consultation with FAC.  The committee will review files, meet to discuss them and vote to advise the Chairperson on reappointment.  The Chairperson will inform the candidate of the Committee vote and will make an independent recommendation to the College and/or Regional Campus dean.  The Chairperson will give a copy of this recommendation to the candidate and invite him/her to meet to discuss it.