
ѿappUniversity employees smile during the Employee Appreciation cookout held at the beginning of the 2021 Fall Semester

ѿappUniversity has the distinction of being the only Ohio public or private college or university that ranks among the top 500 companies nationwide in Forbes’ recently released list of America’s Best Employers for Diversity 2022. ѿappcame in 21st of the 40 organizations in the education industry that received a ranking. “We are deeply grateful to our employees for their commitment to the university and our students,” said ѿappPresident Todd Diacon. “Cultivating a working environment of inclusion and equity is one of our top priorities. It is an honor to be recog...

Submit payment for aircraft maintenance, FAA exams, discovery and rental flights, and other miscellaneous fees.

ѿappStark Academic Achievement Awards

ѿappUniversity at Stark proudly celebrates the educational accomplishments and the students who help make our campus one of excellence. And, perhaps now more than ever, these academic achievements carry an even greater weight. After all, we have faced the COVID-19 pandemic together. We have overcome so much — and have much to be grateful for.   We salute your contributions to academic excellence. As tomorrow’s leaders, reaching milestones like the ones we celebrate today, bestowing our 2022 Academic Achievement Awards, will propel you to make your mark on the world beyon...

When recent Undergraduate Student Government (USG) President Chazzlyn Jackson started her journey at ѿappUniversity in 2018, she had planned to major in fashion until a mentor with Kupita/Transiciones (K/T) cultural orientation program helped her tap into her leadership abilities and passion for social justice issues.  “She said to me ‘Don't take this the wrong way, but I just don't think you're in the right major," Jackson recalled. "I really think you should think about it some more. You can have fashion as a minor, but I don't think it should be your major. Here's why...

KSU Precision Flight Team at National SAFECON 2022 Award Banquet

The ѿappUniversity Precision Flight Team recently placed 12th in a national competition of the 28 largest University flight programs in the United States. This highly competitive National Intercollegiate Flying Association’s (NIFA) 2022 SAFECON featured twenty-eight university teams with almost 500 students who competed in 12 events to test their aviation knowledge and skills. SAFECON 2022 was held 9 - 14 May 2022 at the Ohio State University Airport, hosted by the Ohio State University. The judging was led by Chief Judge Greg Weseman, Associate Chief Judge Steve Halcomb, and Se...

Spring 2021 Commencement at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium

ѿappUniversity at Stark graduates are set to take Canton’s biggest stage May 13 during the 49th Annual Spring Commencement Ceremony at Tom Benson Hall of Fame Stadium. Stark County’s only public university is honored to celebrate its newest graduates. Renato "Ren" Camacho, president and chief executive officer at the Akron-Canton Airport, will present the keynote address. Read more about Ren Camacho. The ceremony will be livestreamed beginning at 4 p.m. Commencement Ceremony details are as follows: ѿappUniversity at Stark 49th Annual Spring Commencement Fr...


Terms describing severe weather patterns like “El Niño” and “polar vortex” get bandied about on the nightly news without much context or definition. Understanding climates and how extreme weather and climate variability manifest and affect life on Earth helps put rising temperatures and mild winters in perspective.  “We are seeing fewer really extreme cold days,” says Scott Sheridan, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Geography, who published a study of abnormal weather patterns in the Journal of Geophysical Research in 2019. “Winter weather has gotten more ...

Global Climate Challenge

ѿappMagazine Spring/Summer 2022 By Kat Braz and Jan Senn hen the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its latest report in April 2022, IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee described it as “powerful evidence that we have the potential to mitigate climate change. We are at a crossroads.  . . . Climate promises and plans must be turned into reality and action, now. It is time to stop burning our planet and start investing in the abundant renewable energy all around us.” The Working Group III report, prepared by 278 scientists from 65 countries, is the...

Justin Thompson

ѿappMagazine Spring/Summer 2022 By Jan Senn, photo by Greta Bell, BS '22 Let Our Powers Combine!” If you’re a millennial—or watched children’s TV shows in the early 1990s—that expression may ring a bell. It’s a catchphrase from Captain Planet and the Planeteers (also known as The New Adventures of Captain Planet). The animated series featuring an environmentalist superhero ran for 113 episodes from 1990 to 1996. The brainchild of entertainment mogul and environmental philanthropist Ted Turner, the series was created as a way to teach children about real-world env...

Land and Sea

ѿappMagazine Spring/Summer 2022 By Jillian Kramer, BA ’06 In their shared Biogeochemical Oceanography and Soil Science (or BOSS) laboratory at McGilvrey Hall, married couple Timothy Gallagher, PhD, and Allyson “Allie” Tessin, PhD, both assistant professors of geology, are studying the Earth from two perspectives—on land and at the bottom of the sea—to better understand climate change. Gallagher, a biogeochemist and sedimentary geologist, digs into the land, quite literally, to study how terrestrial environments have responded to climate change. He’s cataloging what human intervention...

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