
Annual Reappointment Review and Third-Year Review of Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Appointees

The following remarks pertaining to the annual reappointment review and the third-year review of full-time non-tenure track appointees are made within the context of the procedures specified in “The Procedures and Policies Governing Review of Faculty: Promotion, Tenure, Reappointment and Non-reappointment” distributed by the Provost’s Office and in the Collective Bargaining Agreement for full-time non-tenure track faculty, Article IX, “Appointments: Terms, Conditions and Renewals.”

1.   Annual reappointment review and third-year review of full-time, non-tenure-track faculty shall observe the criteria and normal expectations for full-time, tenure track probationary faculty as delineated above in Subsection A.

2.   Each annual reappointment review and third-year review shall be based on the criteria and expectations for the appointee’s respective role within the unit, which are spelled out in the letter of offer for the appointment.

3.   The Department recognizes that a full-time, non-tenure-track appointment is primarily a teaching appointment. Annual reappointment review and third-year reappointment reviews will de-emphasize the research/scholarly activity/professional development and service components that are usual expectations for reappointment of full-time tenure-track probationary faculty. However, the departmental expectation is that a full-time, non-tenure-track appointee will supply some evidence of remaining current in the discipline during the time of appointment.

 The following counts as such evidence:

a.   Participation in departmental Colloquia, conferences, and other academic programs.

b.   Colloquia and Conference presentations within the Department or outside departmental activities (refereed or not).

c.    Refereed or invited publications.


4.   Mindful of the evaluations from the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee, the Chairperson forms an evaluation and makes a recommendation which is then forwarded to the Dean, along with the evaluations from the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee.