

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning seeks to define a distinctive space in the marketplace to differentiate the brand from its competitors and showcase the brand’s unique strengths.

Kent State’s brand positioning is Students First.

At Kent State, we welcome each and every student exactly as they are, from wherever they are, and value the differences that makes them uniquely them. From acceptance letter through graduation and beyond, the ѿappcommunity will provide a lifetime of learning with award-winning, custom support and resources necessary for students to succeed every step of the way.

We nurture, foster and support each individual according to their distinctive needs as they grow into their future. Yet, it is our collective honor for that uniqueness - that “you do you” belief - which brings us together as one Golden Flash family, in an environment of belonging and acceptance for all.

Positioning Statement

A positioning statement defines a brand’s position in the marketplace and articulates the unique value it brings to its stakeholders. This statement represents out Students First positioning.

ѿappUniversity welcomes all learners, from wherever they are, just as they are, And provides unsurpassed support and a world class education every step to graduation and beyond, So they may reach their goals and create a bright future.

Students First Anthem

A brand anthem is an expression of the brand, whether written or through video, that serves as a rally cry around the brand’s values, mission, and philosophy, emphasizes the brand’s positioning and connects directly with the audience on an emotional level.

Welcome, curious minds
from wherever you come,
and with all that you are
– alive with promise and possibility.

as educators and those eager to learn,
we work and grow
as a community – as family.
And always by kindness and mutual respect,
Flashes take care of Flashes.

Moving forward, side by side,
in each idea and experience
– going above and beyond
with unsurpassed support
to ensure success –
We break down barriers
and open wide the doors of opportunity.
and forever inspired,
we create the future
we want to see
and be.

Flashes Take Care of Flashes

Our Personality and Tone of Voice

Brand personality refers to the human characteristics, emotions, and attributes embodied by a brand. The tone of voice is the expression and embodiment of our brand’s personality, beliefs, and values—the person behind the brand.

Our brand tone of voice guides how our brand speaks with its stakeholders, which influences how those stakeholders perceive our message. It’s the personality of our brand, our words, communication style and emotional tone. Our tone of voice can differ depending on the audience to which we are communicating.

These words describe our unique ѿapppersonality and should be used to guide the creation of communications to effectively represent the university. If one were to meet ѿappon the street, they would feel these characteristics in their interaction. Our goal is to create communications that convey exactly who we are as an institution.

tone words for brand tone words for brand